Sunday, 1 September 2013

so sad

People say never give your heart to a dog, but its hard not to when you have
a Gernan Shephard, After 12 wonderful years we lost Murphy this week.
To say I have lost a best friend is the understatement of  a life time and it
will take some time to recover from this.

My friend Monica who also lost her dog the week before sent me this card

I didnt make her a card because I couldnt come up with an idea for it obviously
she is a lot more creative than me ( definitely!!) and this is beautiful.

Thanks to everybody who has sent me messages it is nice to know that it
isnt only us who thought he was amazing he made so many friends .

ali  xx


  1. I feel your pain my lovely but they were loved dogs living a life a human can only imagine and I am sure they are both looking down on us smiling.
    Big Hugs xx

  2. Hi Ali,
    My Heart Goes out to you, I too have lost pets in the past, and vowed never to get anymore, but here I am with two Black Labs who are 1 year old, and a border terrier
    who was a be honest I really do not think I could see my life without them, an animals love is unconditional,
    A Big Hug
    Suzy B
